Posted by gg on Thursday, April 14, 2016 in About Gigi's, alaqua animal refuge, ART, ENTERTAINMENT, family, FASHION, FRIENDS, holidays, kidbits news, LOCAL BIZ, need to know, people in your neighborhood, RANDOMNESS, silliness | Permalink
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Posted by gg on Saturday, December 05, 2015 in About Gigi's, ENTERTAINMENT, family, FRIENDS, holidays, people in your neighborhood, silliness, VIDEOS | Permalink
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rosemary beach celebrated halloween LAST saturday,
and here are some of the characters that came our way!
special thanks to our photographer,
and ms. frizzle look-alike,
miss cocoa of cocoa L. photography!
you can see even more halloween photos
in our facebook album by clicking here!
Posted by gg on Saturday, October 31, 2015 in About Gigi's, family, FRIENDS, holidays, LOCAL BIZ, people in your neighborhood, silliness | Permalink
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Posted by gg on Tuesday, August 04, 2015 in About Gigi's, ART, shopping, silliness, TOYS | Permalink
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recently we invited kids to help make a fancy crown
and a bedazzled scepter for our MISS RITA...
this year marks MISS RITA'S tenth anniversary
of working at Gigi's!
kids just adore her, so they had a lot of fun
creating a special gift for her...
my husband and i crowned her
on the night of our end of season staff party...
she was surprised!
we are so honored to have such an energetic,
friendly, and loving person on our team.
thank you miss RITA for being such a joy to work with
and for making so many kids feel welcomed
and accepted and special!
by the way, kids, she LOVED her gifts!
photos by cocoa L. photography
Posted by gg on Thursday, August 28, 2014 in About Gigi's, ART, family, FRIENDS, kidbits news, need to know, people in your neighborhood, silliness | Permalink
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we look a little soggy don't we?
this is right after we completed the ice bucket challenge
which is a wonderful non-profit
that provides food and meals to local children in need.
a couple of the founders issued a challenge...
they each poured a bucket of ice water on their heads
and videotaped it for all to see,
while challenging three more people to do the same,
AND of course to send in a donation!
one of them challenged
local photographer JACKIE WARD
who then challenged our own MISS COCOA
who then challenged ME....
it's interesting to see how far down the line it goes,
and it spreads exponentially!
Cocoa and I decided to take our cold water plunge
in front of Gigi's...
you know, in the middle of a day at work.
and as you can see from the following videos,
we inspired a few more adventurous and giving
people who asked if they could take the challenge too!
see more local #icebucketchallenge videos
on the FOOD FOR THOUGHT facebook page!
and if this looks like your idea of fun,
consider yourself challenged!
proceed to dump a bucket of ice water on your head
and send them a check, pronto! :)
(you can even donate online HERE!)
Posted by gg on Thursday, July 24, 2014 in About Gigi's, ENTERTAINMENT, FRIENDS, LOCAL BIZ, need to know, people in your neighborhood, RANDOMNESS, silliness, VIDEOS | Permalink
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GEORGIA is 12 years old
and when she grows up
she wants to be a MOVIE DIRECTOR
because she loves making silly videos!
her favorite foods include SWEETS...
lots of SWEETS...
especially CHOCOLATE.
she also enjoys LASAGNA and BACON.
she loves her adorable terrier/beagle mix named IZZIE...
she is a huge LADY GAGA fan...
she owns the gaga perfume, gaga beach towel,
gaga posters, and of course all the gaga music...
she is super active:
she plays BASKETBALL... SWIMS...
but, she adds laughing, "i can't touch my toes!"
Posted by gg on Monday, February 03, 2014 in ENTERTAINMENT, FASHION, FRIENDS, silliness, star of the week | Permalink
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Posted by gg on Sunday, February 02, 2014 in About Gigi's, FASHION, need to know, shopping, silliness | Permalink
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Gigi is 12 years old and loves sports...
she plays BASKETBALL,
competes on the SWIM TEAM,
and she even does POLE VAULTING!
she also enjoys DRAWING and DANCING...
she has a pet rabbit named THUMPER
and two guinea pigs named NUTMEG & SNOWBALL!
favorite foods include pasta,
all fruit (especially apples),
chocolate, and gummy bears...
when she grows up she wants to be a fashion designer
because she loves to draw clothes...
she also enjoys playing in the rain in her swimsuit
with her friends!
she listens well and works hard while at school,
but likes to let loose and be silly with friends afterward!
Posted by gg on Monday, January 27, 2014 in ART, FASHION, FRIENDS, LOCAL BIZ, silliness, star of the week | Permalink
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love this shot of our little friends lennon and maggie lee
taken by miss cocoa recently...
and here's a look at what cocoa was doing
behind the camera
to get the kids laughing so hysterically...
she was dangling one foot precariously over the pool
and saying "oh no, i think i'm going to fall in!
do you want to see me fall in??"
and of course the kids were screaming "yes!"
it really looked like she was going to fall in,
big expensive camera and all...
i about had a heart attack!
can you tell that these two are best friends?
somehow the kids just knew how to do this...
maybe they watch "dancing with the stars"?
and here's a behind the scenes look at miss cocoa
celebrating because she is very pleased
with her super talented models!
maggie lee is wearing an ooh la la couture dress,
everbloom and bari lynn accessories,
and see kai run shoes.
lennon is wearing a monster republic tee,
wes and willy ticking stripe shorts,
teeny tiny optics sunglasses,
and havaiana flip flops.
see more SPRING 2014 fashions
all photos (except the two from my phone)
are by cocoa L. photography!
Posted by gg on Thursday, January 09, 2014 in About Gigi's, designer profile, FASHION, FRIENDS, LOCAL BIZ, shopping, silliness | Permalink
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